Love how this turned out! Only took 3 tries, LOL, 'cuz I can have some stupid girl moments, but I perservered. Even put in an elastic-topped cell phone pocket because, with 3 daughters, imy cell is pretty much a lifeline to what's going on - and the elastic keeps it from slipping out without making it hard to get out when I want to. Shade made me promise to tell you the source of the elastic. I wanted to finish so badly (this being the third try and all) and I didn't have any elastic on hand, so I scavenged a pair of Indiana's outgrown underwear and cut the elastic from the waistband. Shade thinks it's hilarious and disgusting and all I could say was "I cut it from the waistband, not like the crotch or anything." So its even a recycled kinda project. I've had a few requests for these, so if I start to make them, I promise to use only new, non-underwear, elastic!