Spent the best week in Seattle for vacation with the whole fam-damily, as my Dad used to say. I've lived there before, and it's less than 3 hours from here, but to go there with the intention of vacationing, of being a tourist, changes everything. Part of vacation for us is no hurrying. We have two teens and a 'tween and sleeping in is high-priority. It was nice to have 11:00 am as the kick-off time each day, followed by a "full-day" of fun and then winding down around dark (which as you know isn't until after 9 in the summer in the great Pacific Northwest.) Temps were the perfect 70's of Seattle summer (I know it can get hotter but really, yuck! Gimme' 70-75 year round and I would think it paradise.) We have a couple short weekend trips still planned and then before we know it, we will back into the school year. <sigh>
I have several spots open for senior portraits still, and the photo deadline in our area is the beginning of October, so don't wait too long to schedule. These long summer nights make for the most gorgeous light = your most gorgeous photos!