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Family portraits [Wenatchee photography + design]

The essence of today's family is when you have members coming and going and schedules and school and sports and parents always on top of it all. I've had the honor of shooting this family multiple times now and it's cool to see them growing and changing and branching out while always staying close. Just like families should.



Step away from the computer [Wenatchee photography + design]

"Let's go for a drive, mamma," she asked. I was sitting at the computer and balked. I'd worked all day already and replied, "I don't want to go for a drive." "OK, well, I"m getting dressed, let's go." She's 17 and doesn't often take 'no' for an answer. We headed out where the sagebrush is, where we take the dog for a walk when we really want to tire him out. She must've known something I didn't (or had forgotten) because even though nothing special happened, just being outside on a warm summer night was way better than being inside.



I [heart] faces: Celebrating Teens

This is an entry I can really sink my teeth into. Love shooting teens, having two (almost 3!) of my own. The mecurial moods and going-100-directions-at-once can make it a challenge, but when you get that one image that shows a fleeting moment of what it feels like to be a teenager, it seems to stop time. Shows you a glimpse into that world while simultaneously transporting you back to your own time spent in those short, magical years. I know many parents complain that their teens never want to be in photos (mine included) and it can be frustrating, but keep mentioning it every once in awhile. I recently was thrilled when my oldest asked if I would take a few shots.

Below is my entry for I [heart] faces: Celebrating Teen. Just a capture of that interaction that I really loved.



I heart faces: PLAY

Who doesn't love a good play photo? For I heart photos: Play entry this week, I had lots to choose from, an enviable position, I know, but ultimately went with this one. A favorite, it's of my two oldest daughters playing around, sitting practically on top of each other in one chair. Doing what sisters do best: being silly.



Where, oh where, have I been? [Wenatchee photography + design]

I'd like to say I was on vacation in the south of France, watching the sun set over golden hills. I'd LIKE to say I was in Santorini, Greece seeing water so blue it made me weep. Sadly, noeither of those are true and instead we've had a nearly three week bout of on-again, off-again flu go through every member of our family at different times and intensities. It's been rainy and we've felt yucky and not much has happened in the household worth mentioning. Other than surviving, of course, which is really what's important.

We've had a few things going on, which is par for the course with the approaching summer. Finally, FINALLY, getting a little sun. High school prom, school functions and field trips and the start of an itchy green thumb. I have tomatoes to plant, Indy and I made 4 terrariums full of cacti and succulents and bought (and fed!) a Venus Fly Trap. A few pics below because the light was good and my teens were agreaable to being photographed (if you knew how rare that was...), one right before prom dinner and a cell-pic at Lowe's because the flowers were gorgeous in the light. You know, LIFE, or business as usual.
