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Happy birthday America!

Wow, now I know where the summer goes! When you're busy the days fly by and the heat makes them melt into one sticky-sweet blur. Just as it should be! We've had smores and steaks and shrimp-on-the-barbie. Tex-mex (in Dallas even), ice cream and late-night runs for slurppies. Bad airplane food and surprisingly good airport food. It's all been fun and despite the shock at how fast time goes, still looking forward to the rest of the summer, or rather, the pace, which promises to be slower.

Enjoy your weekend, America!




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Today is the first official day of summer in our house (school got out yesterday.) Today at 9:38 a.m. I got the first phone call: "I'm bored." LOL. The littlest one doesn't start summer day camp until July 7, so the next couple weeks will be tough. With two working parents, and being "baby sat" by an older sister or two, I know it can be rough. Any ideas I can give her would be greatly appreciated!

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I wish that you find your own path through the forest.

My latest challenge page for Journaling Junkie: Creative ways to hide your journaling. My tip is this: I always attach my photos, papers and mats at the top and bottom only (leaving the sides unattached.) I'm famous (to myself anyway) for forgetting to leave enough room for journaling, so this way I can always slide journaling tags and cards under the layers. On the rare chance that isn't possible, I use an exacto to slice a line right next to the edge of a photo or mat so you can't see it. Then I tape a scrap piece of paper on the back side so it forms a pocket. I can then add the tags/cards into the slit and know they won't just slide through the back. On this layout the center paper mat is only attached top and bottom. It left room to slide an entire letter to my daughter underneath.



And so it goes

A few recent photos from our weekend in Seattle. A quick aquarium trip before a day of volleyball.

We have the flu now, though. Carsey started feeling puny by Saturday and now I do and Shade is starting. It never ends. I had ear infections in both ears last week and one even ruptured. We could sure use some immune boosting thoughts!

1. Color profile, 2. 108/365, 3/3/08: Waiting for the call, 3. 106/365, 3/1/08: Leaving 14, 4. Up against the wall, 5. POV, 6. 107/365, 3/2/08: Peekaboo, 7. 101/365, 2/25/08, 8. 99/365, 2/23/08: Sentry, 9. skeletons